Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Zora in the Baptismal font

Karl sent me the picture I've been waiting for. To see it in context, click here. It's halfway down the post. Here's the text caption:
And the money shot: Zora in the baptismal font. And in case you were wondering, that font wasn’t exactly cemented to the ground. It was like an overgrown flower vase, on a pedestal. It’s made for infants, for crying out loud! Sure I look calm and collected on the outside, but my left arm is gripping that baby pretty good. There was also the moderate risk of Zora’s bed sheet, I mean robe, catching fire. I’m thinking Zora catches fire, in a pool of water, which falls over, priest kids run over and little pails of water, utter chaos… I mean the story would be great, but it can’t be a fortuitous omen for a Christian life.

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